The Statute

Chapter I

Art 1- General Instructions:

The PHOENIX CARITA Association- children and handicapped youth is an apolitical organization dedicated to unite under her activity the children and handicapped youth, with the intention of supporting them in their recuperation and social re-admission, to help them and protect their interests and their families interests .

The Association won’t refuse the support and the protection for the families with many children, which are in a difficult situation.

Art.2 the „PHOENIX CARITA” Association is a juridical person, being represented in its relations with physical or juridical persons from the country or from abroad as well as by the president or by another person authorized by this.


Art.3 The „PHOENIX CARITA” Association from Constanta has as purpose the affirming, upholding and protection of its members grievances.

Art.4 The Association will support the religion knowledge action, will militate for the people to become more wise, more tolerant; so the „love for near” wont be only a biblical concept.

Art.5 The Association will fight against anti-Semitism, hate between the nationalities, will take a definite position against lie, swindles, of deceit, thieveries of any kind will protect the human dignity.

Art.6 The Association doesn’t have political purposes and won’t militate for the support of any political party.

Art.7 For the purpose fulfillment the Association aims at the following goals:

  1. Professional teaching and training for the handicapped youth and theirs families, family education, support for finding a job.
  2. The family’s medical and social education.
  3. Support for finding and creating new jobs
  4. Support for its members in studding desires and self improvement.
  5. Support for recuperation and social readmission.
  6. Productive activities, commercial, intermediaries, entrepreneurship, services and other activities with the purpose of creating founds all-important for the good movement of the society.
  7. Will organize club activities, libraries, shows, sports activities, will publish newspapers, magazines, books, will make TV emissions and broadcasts for popularize the handicapped youth themes, to know them, to understand them and to help them.
  8. Will establish kinder-gardens, pharmacies, schools, rest houses and amusement institutions for handicapped youth and theirs families.
  9. Gives material and financial help in specials situations
  10. The Association wants to intercede in resolving of all handicapped youth problems and theirs families.


Art.8 a) The Association will collaborate with:

  • Handicapped State Secretariat (on local plan with State Inspectorate);
  • Teaching Inspectorate;
  • Tourism and Youth Department;
  • Youth Foundation;
  • Sports Organizations;
  • World Health Organization;
  • Red Cross, Red Half Moon;
  • The church
  • Charitable associations from the country and from abroad;
  • Physical and juridical persons.

b) The Association receives backing from individual or juridical persons inside the country and from abroad, private or public associations, syndicates.


Art.9 The „PHOENIX CARITA” Association from Constanta is structured and is working as juridical person according to 21/24 Law stipulations, Foundation Law, Charitable non- profit Association with single founder – Porfir Elena.

Art.10 Can become Association’s members the persons which are in a situation of physic handicap, physic, neuromotor, psychomotor, visual-hearing and logo with the age up to 25 years old, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, sex or political persuasions, legal supporters of the persons with major or minor handicaps.

Art.11 Will have priority the handicapped persons of which families are working or have worked in Black Sea harbors area and Danube harbors.

Art.12 The Association will have also members irrespective of age, handicapped persons which have not found any support from other associations

Art.13 The Association will support also the families with many children which appeal to its help.



Art.14 Management Directing:

  1. Founder President.
  2. Collective Management Directing – parents committee formated with members;
  3. Executive Management Directing formated from:
  • Founder President;
  • 2 vice-presidents;
  • Chief accountant;
  • Administrative secretary;
  • Jurist (if it is necessary);
  1. Censors commission is formated from 3 members;
  1. The committee for support and guidance is formated from minimum 3 members; The Association’s president: indispensable conditions:
  • remunerated from the association’s founds and not by an association inside the country or from abroad;
  • he must not work to another association
  • to protect the association’s interests and its members;
  • the pay and the prize awards must not surpass the maximum pay on national economy;
  • he has the obligation to be improved in the domain or in the improvement process;
  • he has no right to own a commercial association or to be join participant in business with a commercial association or physical person, during all his service.


Art.15 The association’s founds will be corporated from:

  • material and financial donations from the founder president;
  • material and financial donations by physical and juridical persons inside the country and from abroad;
  • cultural activities
  • material contributions
  • from others own activities according to the effectual legislation;
  • subventions from the state buget;

Art.16 The persons which will unfold useful activity, all-important for the Association, will be awarded and paid according to the effectual legislation proportional with the performed work.

Art.17 Association’s members, the persons which are part of the Management Directing of the Association are giving material respond, penal, contraventional in the situations in which are violated the present state’s instructions and the effectual laws.



Undersigned Elena Porfir, as single founder member decide the modification of the foundation statute hereby:

1. - of the Foundation’s purposes and objectives hereby:

A. The deployment of some improvement programs of youth life quality, children and mothers with special needs and in special situations (deaf children, homeless youth, in risk situations, with maltreatment,-).

The submit purpose will have the following objectives:

  • Retrieval-Socialization, accommodation, meal, clothes, hygiene;
  • Access to training
  • Professionalization dependent on helpful occupations;
  • Informing, education and parental consultant - families co-opting in projects achievement;
  • Support in socio-professional integration;
  • Professionals forming in socio-educations domains, adequated to foundation’s objects;
  • The premonition of the institutionalization school and family desertion, juvenile delincvent, prostititution, abuse and child carelessness, children traffic and the intrafamiliar exploitation;
  • Informing and the consciouslyness of the community, of the authorities state institutions concerning the child problems and underprivileged young person through specific means;
  • Deployment of environment protection activities, menthal health and civic security;
  • The concluding of the contracts and conventions with local institutions, central, state administration organs, cult institutions and other juridical persons interested in the achievement of foundation’s objects.


Lia Elena Porfir