The Best Santa Clause in Romania

Dear European NGOs and volunteers across Europe,

I hope you are in good spirits and thus ready for a long presentation and a Christmas invitation :)

This is what Phoenix Carita has been trying to do for the last months and with your help maybe we will even succeed:


Phoenix Carita VIA Youth Centre is created by a Lia Porfir a teacher from a small Romanian city called Ramnicu Valcea. The PHOENIX CARITA V.I.A Youth Centre in Horezu team, are volunteer advocates working for the dissemination of the rights of young people in difficulty and for the creation of a better future for youth in a Romanian society. VIA Youth Centre is orientating its activities on equal opportunities, Voluntary work, youth Initiatives and entrepreneurship.

The president of this NGO is involved and very caring with regard to the children she s been helping: children with disabilities and Roma kinder garden children whom she s been trying to bring to school and positively influence the parents to allow the children to come regularly to school.

Project description

We are inviting you to take part in our Christmas project and to ask you to be Santa Clouse in Romania this year and send this organization some small used toys or clothes or balloons .

At receiving your gifts we will make small packages for as many of the children as possible and will organize an event with both the parents - whom cannot afford to buy anything or to organize anything for Christmas in their own homes- and the children, and we will give the children your gifts with your names on them so they will know the person and the country the gift is coming from. We will make some pictures while the children receive their gifts, and we ll send them to you to see the smiles that you ve put on the kid s faces!

At the end of the event, the organization VIA Phoenix Carita will send you these pictures and a Certificate for being The Best Santa Clause Volunteer in Romania for Christmas 2007! You can put in on our wall in your home knowing that this year you ve really helped Romanian children in real difficulties.

You must understand that the local organization and government in Ramnicu Valcea does not sustain our organization as the children are not well educated, have sometimes a violent behavior which can still be guided though, do not know any foreign languages meaning English and do not go regularly to school as they live far from the local schools and have no means of transportation and being winter in Romania it is even more difficult.

Nonetheless, we have been trying to work with an English teacher whom volunteers to go in the villages where these children life and bring them all in one place and teach them basic English .
I do not expect you to immediately jump and help these children, whom are badly dressed and have no winter clothes and no alternatives for the lives they life, whom wouldn t , in case they are already 18, get a job very easily on account on discriminatory and look basis. Maybe some of them even lack hygiene education.

We have been working with children like this since 1992 and I am sure that with your help the children will feel this 2007 Christmas that maybe they do have a chance to adapt to the society and maybe they do not have to become thieves to be able to survive and maybe they don t have to rely on drugs in order to stay alive further in life. With a little bit of help from you :( balloons , toys , clothes, shoes) as few or as many as you have time to put in a package and send it to us considering the postal expenses as well, we ll use it wisely and we ll try to make the children feel as part of a bigger family and get them to know that they are not alone and we ll try to take from their shoulders the burden of continuing loneliness and their feeling of misfits and of being absolutely not cared for by their own families or brothers.

You should know that these children come from broken or very poor families in very remote villages and areas around the city of Ramnicu Valcea and that their parents are almost always alcoholics and that if the children are not helped they might eventually find themselves on the same road .

Moreover, as we are not yet experts yet we would appreciate your help and your advice on what to do to create and revive a feeling of a better life for them in their future .

I think you can do that by showing that somebody far away has been thinking about them. The number of the children is:
  1. for kinder garden= 18
  2. for primary school children with disabilities = 12
  3. for high school Roma children= 16
If you d like to help us , and send something for 1 or 2 children ,
please write to and i will answer your further questions.

At the bottom of this page you can see pictures from this event The Christmas Project called " Santa Clause comes to everybody" from last year.

The Christmas Project Continues :)

Dear Santa Clauses in Romania

Welcome to our project ! We am very pleased that you have decided to become Santa Clauses in Romania this year and that you will help us help the children in Ramnicu Valcea!

There are a couple of easy steps that you will have to go through in order to make sure that your Santa Clause package will arrive :

1) The first thing : Go to your local post office and ask how much money is needed to send a package of clothes and toys or balloons to the city of Ramnicu Valcea, Romania. Analyze the prices of the packages according to your budget. Decide how much you can send. For example : a 2 kg package - which costs 10 Euros? It can be smaller or it can be bigger, you decide how many children you want to give toys and clothes to.

2) The second step is that : You start gathering :
  • Toys old and new - for children with disabilities and with ages from 10-18 & Clothes old or new - for children with the same ages and mostly for boys.
When you have reached the kilograms that you decided to send, put the clothes and the toys in the package and writing as clearly as possible, please send it to :

Lia Porfir
Societatea Phoenix Carita
Strada: Nicolaie Balcescu 47 B
Etaj 1 Ap 2-3
Ramnicu Valcea ( 240190 )

3) Please write a Christmas wish for the children and to put it in the package you will send. This gesture is meant to signify for them that you did not take pity on them , so they shouldn t go and beg because people take pity on children, but that you wish them success in school and lots of opportunities in life! Your Christmas wish can have more or at least 2 lines. For example : " We are .... from .... and we wish you ......and hope to hear good thing s about you in the future ..."

4) The forth but not the most obligatory last thing for you to put in your package is a small , thin, easy to read, English book. We hope that by sending a book the children will understand the importance of Reading and of English language. Moreover, we hope that in time the children will frequent more often school and thus they will be able to write back to you someday, somehow.

When we ll receive your package , with your name on it , we ll let you know right away. In the first day of Christmas - the day when we ll give the children all their gifts from you- in the organized event that we are planning - we ll send you pictures with them opening their presents from you and we ll send you the Certificate for participation in our " The Best Santa Clause Volunteer in Romania - 2007 Christmas Project ". If you think you can do all of this, do let us know , so I ll put you on our Certificate release list .

Thank you s !

Three times Thank you to all the big hearted people whom contacted us. If you are one of them you should find your name in this Certificate release list. If you do not find your name here, do contact us asap, so we can put you now on our

" The Best Santa Clause Volunteer in Romania - 2007 Christmas Project "
  • Mrs. Lyske van der Werf -The Netherlands - The 12 th Dec, IV th package sent :) 4.
  1. Mrs. Jantiene Cats
  2. Mrs. Anita Brandhof
  3. Mrs. Viviana van Dijk
  4. Mrs. Margriet van Dijken
  5. Mr. Paul van Dam
  6. Mrs. Maaike Eringa
  • Esra Buyuksahin - Istanbul, Turkey - 17 th Dec, VII th package sent :) 5.
  • Anna de Vita - Pordenone, Italy - 13 th Dec, V th package sent :) 3.
  • Mrs Andromachi Sourvalou - Thessaloniki, Greece - 12 th Dec, III rd package sent :) 1.
  • Deniz Ölçek -Turkey - 14 th Dec, VI package sent :) 1.
  • Dumitrela Pop - Arad, Romania - 10 th Dec, II package sent :) 1. ARRIVED !!
  • Birgit Sannamees- Estonia - 4 th Dec, I st package sent :) 1.
  • Barbara Pepple- Germany - 18 th Dec, IX th package sent :) 1.
  • Michaela Svrèková - 17 th Dec, VIII th package sent :) 1.
  • Roberta, Vincenzo & Vito-Palermo- 6 th January, X th package sent :) 1.
  • Seyfi Svk - Turkey - 4 th January, XI th package sent :) 1.
  • Anna Korjakina- Estonia - 20 th December, XII th package sent :) 1.
In reference to our future collaboration, we are opened to any projects and collaborations so please, do contact us at any time. This way, hopefully, we can help the children in the future as well.

Waiting anxiously for your feedback and your emails,

Roxana Proca -
"The Best Santa Clause In Romania "- 2007 Christmas project -
Project designer & Networking rep.

( )

Lia Elena Porfir -
President of Societatea Phoenix Carita VIA Youth Centre-
"The Best Santa Clause In Romania "- 2007 Christmas project -
Events coordinator in Romania


Dear Participants,

Thank you for what you have sent !

You are 10 people and in case you d like each others details in order to further communicate with each other or in order to send some help during the year as well, please do write to the President of our NGO, Mrs Lia Porfir at (

Because of the delays we could only organize a event on the New Years Day :(

The Certificates of participation will come by email also from Mrs Lia Porfir, so do write to her asking of this matter as well as for the pictures from the night of the event .

Here are some pictures of the presents and the room so you can now make an idea of what we succeeded in raising from our Christmas Garden project and from The Best Santa Clause project (meaning what has arrived until now from you)

The Christmas tree

The Toys

The room for the event

For any further inquires do contact Mr President Lia Porfir at ( )

Have a nice time with your families and do contact us for anything!

Merry Christmas !

Roxana Proca

NGOs & people with disabilities

NGO s in Romania which are working with and for people and children with disabilities are listed in this guide put together by the World Bank.

N.V.W. & I.V.D.

The National Volunteer Week in Romania: 19-25 Aprile 2008

Saptamana Nationala a Voluntariatului, o saptamana dedicata voluntarilor activi din Romania si celor cu care acestia colaboreaza !

The International Volunteer Day

Dear volunteers,

As today is 5th of December the "International Volunteer Day" I am using this opportunity in the name of The Phoenix Carita VIA Youth Centre to wish you all the best and to express my gratitude for the nice cooperation and work in 2007.

Special thank you s go out to the volunteers in our organization which are a big help and have been doing a great and important work for the better future of our Local communities of children.

Consequently, I hope that in 2008 we will establish new partnerships, exchange volunteers and realize a lot's of new, useful and interesting projects all with the final aim of helping the children on Romania and of Europe.

Warm greetings to all of you,


Celebrate International Volunteer Day, 5 December:

Summer School !

Applications on:
"Animatorul Socio Educational Antreprenor de succes"
Ramnicu Valcea- 30 August 2008 -
Stimati si distinsi colegi dupa cum stim, resursa umana profesionista 'fara de care nu se poate' in domeniul tabere,mobilitati de tineret si turism, este animatorul socio-educational.

In Romania ,el trebuie identificat, format, recunoscut si valorizat precum in tarile europene. Animatorul socio-educational da calitate, culoare, forma si fond firmei prestatoare.
Cursul nostru va deschide o poarta. Daca sinteti interesati de formarea dvs si de imaginea institutiei Dvs, intrati. Surprize nebanuite va asteapta .

Rugam sa ne confirmati telefonic,fax,email.Va asteptam. L.Porfir

La “SCOALA SPECIALA DE VARA RAMNICU VALCEA 2008” se fac ultimele inscrieri la cursul: 'Animatorul socio-educativ, antreprenor de succes '.

Societatea Phoenix Carita Horezu, Episcopia Ramnicului si Reteaua Centrelor de Educatie Activa in Mediul Rural organizeaza in perioada 31. 08-06.09 2006 cursurile « Scolii Speciale de Vara Ramnicu Valcea 2006 », eveniment devenit deja traditional in domeniul educatiei romanesti.

Cursurile din acest sfirsit de vara se adreseaza lucratorilor din scoli, turism, DTJ , SPORT sau ONG, angajati sau voluntari, ce deruleaza activitati extrascolare si de tineret .

Incepind cu 31 august 2006 demaram un complex program de educare prin practica experentiala a adultilor activi in aria extrascolara, segment EDU vitregit de atentie si sprijin din partea celor in drept. Promovind animatia ca metoda alternativa a educatiei, dezvoltam cultura novatoare iar prin antreprenoriat- oferim o sansa liberei initiative, pas curajos de la proces la rezultat, dupa model finlandez, in numai 6 zile .

In aceasta provocare educationala, ne-am propus sa imbinam spiritul artistic al romanului cu abilitatea antreprenoriala, intr- un program interactiv cu urmatoarea structura :

  • · 3 zile -curs intensiv de animatie si formare personala ANIM
  • · 1 zi - curs de antreprenoriat in mobilitati socioeducationale ale tineretului european; turismul romanesc pe drum european ; animatia in turism ; Axa prioritara 3
  • · 1 zi – un prim contact cu programul EMPRETEC /UNCTAD ; practici utile in economia de piata ; conexii socio-culturale si dezvoltare durabila
  • · 1 zi-evaluare ; strategie si plan specific animatiei de copii si tineret in Romania

In acest timp se vor realiza workshop-uri, exercitii practice , jocuri de rol si seri 'surpriza' cu « teme de casa », urmarindu-se cele zece unitati de competenta ale animatorului socio-educativ. CPA si 'Learning by doing' sint principiile antreprenoriatului pe care un absolvent EMPRETEC CTA 2006 , vi le va ordona sistematic in mapa realizarilor cu care veti pleca de la acest curs.
Vii vor ramine vorbele lui Confucius :

“Cine aude, uita/
Cine vede, isi aminteste/
Cine face, invata. »

Dupa evaluarea finala , cei 25 participanti vor primi “Certificatul de animator socio-educativ” eliberat de Consiliul National de Formare Profesionala a Adultilor, avizat de MEC si MMSSF. Incepind cu 2007 certificatul va fi recunoscut in UE pentru servicii socioeducationale tip “ hosting/sending “ in reteaua “ Animatorii fara frontiere “, iar pe plan local vor fi o resursa umana profesionista utila si necesara atingerii obiectivelor AXELOR PRIORITARE 3 si 4

· Cursanti : tineri adulti intre 19-49 ani, care au organizat / participat (la) minimum trei tabere/campus- uri sau mobilitati tineret YOUTH A1 / A3/ A5, Leonardo, Comenius,Grundtvig
· Traineri : membri TEAM EUROPE, traineri nationali si experti in animatie IMPACT
· Evaluare coordonata de CRFPS PROVOCATIE si CNFPA.

Contributia financiara :195 Euro/cursant , in lei la cursul BNR, in cont Raiffeisen Ramnicu Valcea RO80RZBR00000600031 13817 sau la sediul nostru: Nicolae Balcescu 47 B et I cam 2-3 ,240190 Ramnicu Valcea .

Se asigura suport curs, masa de prinz, pauza de cafea, acces internet , program socioeducational; orice initiativa va primi sprijin si consultanta inca 1 an dupa terminarea cursului
Cazare gratuita pentru participanti din mediul rural si pentru tineri/studenti intre 19-29 ani
Voluntarii Eurodesk si Euro 26 Rm. Valcea vor asigura servicii pe toata durata cursului ce se va derula in locatia oferita de Episcopia Ramnicului.
Programul promoveaza animatorul socio-educativ si deschide drum larg antreprenoriatului in domeniul social in Romania.


Spre Ramnicu Valcea functioneaza trasee directe din Cluj,Brasov, Oradea,Timisoara .Craiova, Tg.Jiu, Pitesti, C-lung Muscel , Curtea de Arges,etc. Bucuresti –Ramnicu Valcea ,circula din ora in ora, din autogara Militari.

Societatea Phoenix Carita,
Str.Nicolaie Balcescu,47B,et.1, 240190 Ramnicu Valcea
O.P.4 jud Valcea. tel:0350802031 tel/



Contact :
Lia E.Porfir :tel/fax 0250-732810; 0724467833;

Asteptam aplicatia prin email:

phoenix_studia@ / fax 0250732810 ; Termen 31 aug ora 16.00- sosire Ramnicu Valcea

In Romanian , please read here :


Romanian Roma NGOs

Romanian Roma NGOs
call for Commissioner Frattini to step down

On November 3, Mr Frattini, Italian Commissioner for Justice and Civil Liberties declared:
What has to be done is simple. Go into a nomad camp in Rome for example, and ask them: Can you tell me where you live?¹ If they say they do not know, take them and send them home to Romania. That is how the European directive works. It is simple and safe. Romania cannot say they will not take them back, because it is an obligation that is part of being a member state of the EU.²

He also urged Italy to pull down the camps to prevent any Romanians from returning.
At best, this declaration is stupid, as the Commissioner implies that Romania should receive anybody who does not know where he or she resides. Coming from a Commissioner charged with fighting for the civil liberties of European citizens, it is simply unacceptable.

Frattini seems to forget that he is not paid by the Italian extreme right or Berlusconi but by the European Commission, an organisation which promotes (at least on paper) ³respect for human rights², ³tolerance² and ³unity through diversity².

If the Commissioner can¹t do his job better resign or keep quiet as he successfully did it up to this point.

Full article is available at http://www.ergonetw .htm
A online protest is available at http://www.romanetw .htm

Article from UNITED E-NEWS 15/11/07:

Please distribute

Top YIA Forums

The top Youth in Action forums:
Youth Exchanges @ Life Youth Exchanges,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,

3wyc@yahoogroups. com;;;; euproject@yahoogrou; Euromedforyouth@yahoogroups. com; European_Youth_ NGO_Network@ yahoogroups. com; european-networking -projects@ yahoogroups. com; european-youth- exchanges@ yahoogroups. com; eurostudyabroad@ yahoogroups. com; iimcralumni@ yahoogroups. com; inter_youth_ net@yahoogroups. com; mun-e-news@yahoogro; The_Development_ CAFE@yahoogroups .com; WorldYouth@yahoogro; wypsnetwork@ yahoogroups. com; yata_talk@yahoogrou; yda_international@ yahoogroups. com; youth_events@ yahoogroups. com; youthactionforchang e@yahoogroups. com; youthful-media@ yahoogroups. com

The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue

In order to contribute to the success of the EYID 2008,
Phoenix Carita has joined today the partners platform :

Interested in Intercultural Dialogue ? Then join us here:

We can search together for Partners for our projects ,
we can share info on Funds and prepare the projects on the Forum.

Goals & Objectives

1. To develop formal, informal and non-formal educational activities, new active educational models and e- communication in schools and in marginalized communities .

2. To make lasting development possible by identifying and making valuable all local resources: traditions, agro-tourism, folklore and to create touristic agencies including the youth in difficulty and to develop handicraft workshops and local art shops;promote the cultural projects and social-creative tourism in rural area.

3. To develop the programmes to prevent and combating youth delinquency, domestic violence and youth exploitation.

4.To promote the right to education of deaf children ,youth ,adults and third age too.

5. To develop the entrepreneurship and leadership between women and youth in rural area;

6. To promote ICT in villages to acces to information EU resources

7. To offer support through volunteer work for young victims of violence and create associative youth structures by setting up residential centers and clubs of neglect and abused youth-girls, for their education and therapy.

8. To found community centers in order to increase access to information for citizens to equalize chances for the rural areas with the urban areas ;to integrate the mountain region in EU programmes; information /counsellings of educators and parents with children/youth with special needs /social problems.

9. To organize the participation of marginalized young people from rural /small towns to trainings, symposiums, sportive challenges, festivals,expeditions, cultural exchanges-the future involving in community life.

10. To create and mainitain relationships with others NGO’s in Romania and in Europe, in order to collaborate on projects for children and youth with health difficulties; to continually create the art-dialog contacts .

11. To contract partnerships with other NGOs , state institutions, profit institutions, local authorities for the best practical solutions for youth in difficulty social inclusion and equality of chances .

12. To support non-governmental system in Romania and in the world , to increase NGO’s role in the development of the communities and to improve inter-communication between NGO s —authorities—institutions—mass-media in order to bring up the quality of life in marginalized regions and in rural areas.

13. To realize informational network to publish magazines,books, reports and other media materials;to promote the long life learning and e-learning to build the new European citizens.

14. To provide advocacy in order to promote children rights, human rights, women rights , minorities rights and free youth initiatives.

The Statute

Chapter I

Art 1- General Instructions:

The PHOENIX CARITA Association- children and handicapped youth is an apolitical organization dedicated to unite under her activity the children and handicapped youth, with the intention of supporting them in their recuperation and social re-admission, to help them and protect their interests and their families interests .

The Association won’t refuse the support and the protection for the families with many children, which are in a difficult situation.

Art.2 the „PHOENIX CARITA” Association is a juridical person, being represented in its relations with physical or juridical persons from the country or from abroad as well as by the president or by another person authorized by this.


Art.3 The „PHOENIX CARITA” Association from Constanta has as purpose the affirming, upholding and protection of its members grievances.

Art.4 The Association will support the religion knowledge action, will militate for the people to become more wise, more tolerant; so the „love for near” wont be only a biblical concept.

Art.5 The Association will fight against anti-Semitism, hate between the nationalities, will take a definite position against lie, swindles, of deceit, thieveries of any kind will protect the human dignity.

Art.6 The Association doesn’t have political purposes and won’t militate for the support of any political party.

Art.7 For the purpose fulfillment the Association aims at the following goals:

  1. Professional teaching and training for the handicapped youth and theirs families, family education, support for finding a job.
  2. The family’s medical and social education.
  3. Support for finding and creating new jobs
  4. Support for its members in studding desires and self improvement.
  5. Support for recuperation and social readmission.
  6. Productive activities, commercial, intermediaries, entrepreneurship, services and other activities with the purpose of creating founds all-important for the good movement of the society.
  7. Will organize club activities, libraries, shows, sports activities, will publish newspapers, magazines, books, will make TV emissions and broadcasts for popularize the handicapped youth themes, to know them, to understand them and to help them.
  8. Will establish kinder-gardens, pharmacies, schools, rest houses and amusement institutions for handicapped youth and theirs families.
  9. Gives material and financial help in specials situations
  10. The Association wants to intercede in resolving of all handicapped youth problems and theirs families.


Art.8 a) The Association will collaborate with:

  • Handicapped State Secretariat (on local plan with State Inspectorate);
  • Teaching Inspectorate;
  • Tourism and Youth Department;
  • Youth Foundation;
  • Sports Organizations;
  • World Health Organization;
  • Red Cross, Red Half Moon;
  • The church
  • Charitable associations from the country and from abroad;
  • Physical and juridical persons.

b) The Association receives backing from individual or juridical persons inside the country and from abroad, private or public associations, syndicates.


Art.9 The „PHOENIX CARITA” Association from Constanta is structured and is working as juridical person according to 21/24 Law stipulations, Foundation Law, Charitable non- profit Association with single founder – Porfir Elena.

Art.10 Can become Association’s members the persons which are in a situation of physic handicap, physic, neuromotor, psychomotor, visual-hearing and logo with the age up to 25 years old, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, sex or political persuasions, legal supporters of the persons with major or minor handicaps.

Art.11 Will have priority the handicapped persons of which families are working or have worked in Black Sea harbors area and Danube harbors.

Art.12 The Association will have also members irrespective of age, handicapped persons which have not found any support from other associations

Art.13 The Association will support also the families with many children which appeal to its help.



Art.14 Management Directing:

  1. Founder President.
  2. Collective Management Directing – parents committee formated with members;
  3. Executive Management Directing formated from:
  • Founder President;
  • 2 vice-presidents;
  • Chief accountant;
  • Administrative secretary;
  • Jurist (if it is necessary);
  1. Censors commission is formated from 3 members;
  1. The committee for support and guidance is formated from minimum 3 members; The Association’s president: indispensable conditions:
  • remunerated from the association’s founds and not by an association inside the country or from abroad;
  • he must not work to another association
  • to protect the association’s interests and its members;
  • the pay and the prize awards must not surpass the maximum pay on national economy;
  • he has the obligation to be improved in the domain or in the improvement process;
  • he has no right to own a commercial association or to be join participant in business with a commercial association or physical person, during all his service.


Art.15 The association’s founds will be corporated from:

  • material and financial donations from the founder president;
  • material and financial donations by physical and juridical persons inside the country and from abroad;
  • cultural activities
  • material contributions
  • from others own activities according to the effectual legislation;
  • subventions from the state buget;

Art.16 The persons which will unfold useful activity, all-important for the Association, will be awarded and paid according to the effectual legislation proportional with the performed work.

Art.17 Association’s members, the persons which are part of the Management Directing of the Association are giving material respond, penal, contraventional in the situations in which are violated the present state’s instructions and the effectual laws.



Undersigned Elena Porfir, as single founder member decide the modification of the foundation statute hereby:

1. - of the Foundation’s purposes and objectives hereby:

A. The deployment of some improvement programs of youth life quality, children and mothers with special needs and in special situations (deaf children, homeless youth, in risk situations, with maltreatment,-).

The submit purpose will have the following objectives:

  • Retrieval-Socialization, accommodation, meal, clothes, hygiene;
  • Access to training
  • Professionalization dependent on helpful occupations;
  • Informing, education and parental consultant - families co-opting in projects achievement;
  • Support in socio-professional integration;
  • Professionals forming in socio-educations domains, adequated to foundation’s objects;
  • The premonition of the institutionalization school and family desertion, juvenile delincvent, prostititution, abuse and child carelessness, children traffic and the intrafamiliar exploitation;
  • Informing and the consciouslyness of the community, of the authorities state institutions concerning the child problems and underprivileged young person through specific means;
  • Deployment of environment protection activities, menthal health and civic security;
  • The concluding of the contracts and conventions with local institutions, central, state administration organs, cult institutions and other juridical persons interested in the achievement of foundation’s objects.


Lia Elena Porfir

Our Blog

Why an NGO Blog and why not continuing with our Website ? The answer is simple: As we work with school children we d like to disseminate our knowledge and to give them power over this blog. They can add or delete anything they want , with our approval, learning at the same time to manage and to work with the internet. From our point of view, this experience frees us from any bureaucracy related to the management of an normal web page and allows us to update our small but intense blog on a daily basis!

Our Team

Honorific President : Elena Lia Profir
Email :

Programme Coordinators: Mirela Chituc & Mihaela Avramoiu

Communication Assistant: Roxana Proca- Trainee
Email :

Volunteer accountant : Cezara Arsenie

Volunteer web site administrator: Bogdan Nacuta

Volunteer designer: Solene Cesbron
( )

The Goals

  1. To improve and extend youth work and services in Horezu
  2. To enhance and demonstrate youth work in the society
  3. To promote effective youth programmmes
  4. To organize network of civil society organizations working towards the development of youth work;
  5. To organize seminars, conferences, workshops, trainings in Romania and in Europe
  6. To maintain international relation with organizations promoting young people through programmes and multiple activities

The Vision

“Community for a good education
and a good education for the best community in the world!“

Our aim is to involve young people in active education for a visible social change in their community .

We work with and for teenagers , youth and adults (educators, youth workers, parents) and we fight for their needs, dreams, ideals and rights.

The Mission

" The mission of Phoenix Carita Society is to promote long life learning-education by art and nature ,volunteering and inter cultural exchanges in marginalized areas. We try to offer acces to information to children and youth in difficulty and thus continuing their education for a better future.” - Prez. Lia Porfir

Phoenix Carita is a non governmental organization who s mission is to prevent social exclusion and marginalization of small children and youth in difficulty through the valorization of the human , natural and cultural resources of the Romanian village.

Volunteer !

You can volunteer to help the Director of Phoenix Carita by:

  1. Donating small sums of RON, €, $ , or £ at Raiffeisen bank in Ramnicu Valcea, IBAN RO 47 RZBR0000060003113829 SWIFT RZBRROBU

  2. Disposing of your time and your energy
  • by helping to translate official documents &
  • by accompanying the Director in her travels around Romania in search of collaborators and volunteers
& You can help us send packages through Atlassib or Eurolines for the Christmas Project!

We have agreements with Atlassib and the packages you send will cost you less than the usual price ! You can send the children balloons or clothes or games ! Please participate !

At the end of the Holidays you will receive a photo with the children opening your presents and a Certificate for The 2007 Christmas Volunteer !


We use our funds :

1. For the development of formal and informal educational programs.

2. For the application of new educational and communication models in marginalized communities.

3. For the sustainable development of small cities, villages and of isolated communities through the identification and vaporization of the local natural, cultural and human resources existent there.

4. For a costant recognition of the importantce of the youth human resource in Romania with the vaporization of its traditions and history.


2003-2005- CENSUS-G1

2004 Project with Malta University
2004- 2005 Summer Special School in Ramnicu Valcea
2004- 2006 DISAF- Education through sport for youth with disabilities- G2

2005 The small horezean guide - Micul ghid horezean-Course for the highschool students in Horezu
2005 The Youth Without Frontiers Cafe
2005 Valcea-a petit Europe ? Information about the UE in schools

2005-2006 Partnership for an active education in the Valcea schools with different ONG-ISJ Valcea
2006 European multiplicator in the Valcea and Gorj cities.
2005- 2009 Education for a better community ISJ Valcea

Activities Accomplished by Phoenix Carita Society:

Mars 2002”The value of Street Art in Youth Antisocial Behaviour”-seminar

2002-2005: The Parents University

2003-European Resources for Youth in difficulty-seminars in 6 regions of RO

2003-2005-Sibiu Medieval Festival

2003-2005-Community Centres Promoting Soustainable Living-G1

2004-Visual tools folk and animation IT

2004-DISAF – Sport-education for handicapped people- G2

2004-Community for a good Education –Good education for the best community

2005-2007 Youth Active Centre –Infotin partnership

2005-Local Point EURODESK Ramnic

Facts: SOS our Children !

" Anti-social behaviour in present-day Romania is really terrifying. The mass- media, T.V. Radio newspapers, magazines etc. unceasingly present all sorts of incredibly violent crimes committed by children, young people and adults. Every minute a child or an adolescent either dies because of parental neglect, or is hurt due to own anti- social behavior: prostitution, drug addiction, and alcohol addiction. This dreadful situation is aggravated every day because of the increasing poverty, lack of communication, lack of an active social life within local communities and lack of interest from local and national authorities.

The immediate result of this is: school abandonment, increasing number of incredibly violent crimes committed by young people and even by children and adolescents and the marginalization and exclusion of the youth from the life o local communities.
Statistics from the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth – the Board of Youth Programmes - show that school abandonment, drugs, and unemployment are the most serious problems in Romania and school abandonment increases every year. In 2003 85,000 children dropped out school and almost 800,000 did not go to any school.

Just a few examples collected in the 2 month period November –December 2003: “Assassination During a Requiem” -Adevarul (The truth), Thursday, 30th October 2003:
a 14 year-old boy from Radeni village, Moldavia, was killed by his own sister after a violent fight with her during their father’s requiem.

“Rape Accusations in Court” – Monitorul de Valcea (The Valcea Gazette), Thursday, 6th Nov. 2003: Gheorghe Zamfirescu, 27 year old, from Pietrari, Valcea, was found guilty of using violent force and raping two little girls of 13 and 14 years old.

Every minute a young person either dies or is hurt from parental neglect or anti-social behavior

“The Roma Kids Attack Like Wolves – in Packs” – Viata Valcii (Everyday Life in Valcea), 3rd December 2003: Roma kids in small groups of 5 or 6 attack passers-by in Rm – Valcea district town, in order to steal purses and money.

“Theft – a Way of Living for Some People” –Info Puls (INFO Pulse), 6th November 2003: this year more than 400 thieves were caught when they were trying to steal from people and shops, houses, apartments etc. in the whole Valcea county. Their ages were from 14 to 50 years.

“The Prostitute from the Train” – Ceahlaul, 26th November 2003: a young girl of 18 from Piatra – Neamt, Moldavia, was arrested for prostitution. She had more than 250 clients within 4 years and she was discovered because of the diseases that she transmitted to her client

“489 Children Sold as Slaves by Their own Parents” – Libertatea (Liberty), 8th November 2003: within the last two months, these children were discovered by the authorities all over the country at their “masters” homes. They were used for work in the fields, to take care o the animals when they themselves were not properly cared for.

“The Roma Kids – Trash ‘Emperors’ ” – Monitorul de Valcea (The Valcea Gazette), 26th Nov 2003: their dreams and hopes are built on tons of trash; some of these kids go to school every day and hope that one day they will be able to do something special with their lives, for example to become teachers or have a real job.

To elaborate on one special case, the first mentioned above, regarding the assassination of a 14 year-old boy on 30th October 2003. Daniel Dascalescu lived in a small village in Botosani county with his mother, father and his sister’s family - including a husband and three little girls of 2, 4 and 6 years old. After two months of fights and scandals, during their father’s requiem, the sister Mariana, accused her brother once again of killing their father, of trying to rape his own nieces, of beating his sister and mother. After the violent accusations, she dashed and cut his femoral artery with a knife. Daniel died within 5 minutes. "

Written by Lia – Elena Porfir, President of Phoenix Carita, Romania

Published in May 2004 in the International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centers, IFS Canada Newsletter as part of the EuroMed Youth Programme “Anti Social Behaviors in Youth – Needs and Preventative Measures”