This is what Phoenix Carita has been trying to do for the last months and with your help maybe we will even succeed:
The president of this NGO is involved and very caring with regard to the children she s been helping: children with disabilities and Roma kinder garden children whom she s been trying to bring to school and positively influence the parents to allow the children to come regularly to school.
Project description
At receiving your gifts we will make small packages for as many of the children as possible and will organize an event with both the parents - whom cannot afford to buy anything or to organize anything for Christmas in their own homes- and the children, and we will give the children your gifts with your names on them so they will know the person and the country the gift is coming from. We will make some pictures while the children receive their gifts, and we ll send them to you to see the smiles that you ve put on the kid s faces!
Nonetheless, we have been trying to work with an English teacher whom volunteers to go in the villages where these children life and bring them all in one place and teach them basic English .
We have been working with children like this since 1992 and I am sure that with your help the children will feel this 2007 Christmas that maybe they do have a chance to adapt to the society and maybe they do not have to become thieves to be able to survive and maybe they don t have to rely on drugs in order to stay alive further in life. With a little bit of help from you :( balloons , toys , clothes, shoes) as few or as many as you have time to put in a package and send it to us considering the postal expenses as well, we ll use it wisely and we ll try to make the children feel as part of a bigger family and get them to know that they are not alone and we ll try to take from their shoulders the burden of continuing loneliness and their feeling of misfits and of being absolutely not cared for by their own families or brothers.
I think you can do that by showing that somebody far away has been thinking about them. The number of the children is:
- for kinder garden= 18
- for primary school children with disabilities = 12
- for high school Roma children= 16
The Christmas Project Continues :)
Dear Santa Clauses in Romania,
Welcome to our project ! We am very pleased that you have decided to become Santa Clauses in Romania this year and that you will help us help the children in Ramnicu Valcea!
There are a couple of easy steps that you will have to go through in order to make sure that your Santa Clause package will arrive :
1) The first thing : Go to your local post office and ask how much money is needed to send a package of clothes and toys or balloons to the city of Ramnicu Valcea, Romania. Analyze the prices of the packages according to your budget. Decide how much you can send. For example : a 2 kg package - which costs 10 Euros? It can be smaller or it can be bigger, you decide how many children you want to give toys and clothes to.
2) The second step is that : You start gathering :
- Toys old and new - for children with disabilities and with ages from 10-18 & Clothes old or new - for children with the same ages and mostly for boys.
Societatea Phoenix Carita
Strada: Nicolaie Balcescu 47 B
Etaj 1 Ap 2-3
Ramnicu Valcea ( 240190 )
3) Please write a Christmas wish for the children and to put it in the package you will send. This gesture is meant to signify for them that you did not take pity on them , so they shouldn t go and beg because people take pity on children, but that you wish them success in school and lots of opportunities in life! Your Christmas wish can have more or at least 2 lines. For example : " We are .... from .... and we wish you ......and hope to hear good thing s about you in the future ..."
4) The forth but not the most obligatory last thing for you to put in your package is a small , thin, easy to read, English book. We hope that by sending a book the children will understand the importance of Reading and of English language. Moreover, we hope that in time the children will frequent more often school and thus they will be able to write back to you someday, somehow.
When we ll receive your package , with your name on it , we ll let you know right away. In the first day of Christmas - the day when we ll give the children all their gifts from you- in the organized event that we are planning - we ll send you pictures with them opening their presents from you and we ll send you the Certificate for participation in our " The Best Santa Clause Volunteer in Romania - 2007 Christmas Project ". If you think you can do all of this, do let us know , so I ll put you on our Certificate release list .
Three times Thank you to all the big hearted people whom contacted us. If you are one of them you should find your name in this Certificate release list. If you do not find your name here, do contact us asap, so we can put you now on our
" The Best Santa Clause Volunteer in Romania - 2007 Christmas Project "
- Mrs. Lyske van der Werf -The Netherlands - The 12 th Dec, IV th package sent :) 4.
- Mrs. Jantiene Cats
- Mrs. Anita Brandhof
- Mrs. Viviana van Dijk
- Mrs. Margriet van Dijken
- Mr. Paul van Dam
- Mrs. Maaike Eringa
- Esra Buyuksahin - Istanbul, Turkey - 17 th Dec, VII th package sent :) 5.
- Anna de Vita - Pordenone, Italy - 13 th Dec, V th package sent :) 3.
- Mrs Andromachi Sourvalou - Thessaloniki, Greece - 12 th Dec, III rd package sent :) 1.
- Deniz Ölçek -Turkey - 14 th Dec, VI package sent :) 1.
- Dumitrela Pop - Arad, Romania - 10 th Dec, II package sent :) 1. ARRIVED !!
- Birgit Sannamees- Estonia - 4 th Dec, I st package sent :) 1.
- Barbara Pepple- Germany - 18 th Dec, IX th package sent :) 1.
- Michaela Svrèková - 17 th Dec, VIII th package sent :) 1.
- Roberta, Vincenzo & Vito-Palermo- 6 th January, X th package sent :) 1.
- Seyfi Svk - Turkey - 4 th January, XI th package sent :) 1.
- Anna Korjakina- Estonia - 20 th December, XII th package sent :) 1.
Waiting anxiously for your feedback and your emails,
Roxana Proca -
"The Best Santa Clause In Romania "- 2007 Christmas project -
Project designer & Networking rep.
(roxanici007@yahoo.com )
Lia Elena Porfir -
President of Societatea Phoenix Carita VIA Youth Centre-
"The Best Santa Clause In Romania "- 2007 Christmas project -
Events coordinator in Romania
Dear Participants,
Thank you for what you have sent !
You are 10 people and in case you d like each others details in order to further communicate with each other or in order to send some help during the year as well, please do write to the President of our NGO, Mrs Lia Porfir at (peonul@yahoo.com)
Because of the delays we could only organize a event on the New Years Day :(
The Certificates of participation will come by email also from Mrs Lia Porfir, so do write to her asking of this matter as well as for the pictures from the night of the event .
Here are some pictures of the presents and the room so you can now make an idea of what we succeeded in raising from our Christmas Garden project and from The Best Santa Clause project (meaning what has arrived until now from you)
The Christmas tree
The room for the event
For any further inquires do contact Mr President Lia Porfir at (peonul@yahoo.com )
Have a nice time with your families and do contact us for anything!
Merry Christmas !
Roxana Proca